Manufacturing, Electronics, and Construction

Welcome to the Manufacturing, Electronics, and Construction Career and Academic Pathway (CAP)

山谷学院的制造业, Electronics, and Construction Career and Academic Pathway (CAP) is for students who enjoy problem-solving, 使用技术, and building and processing materials.

If you are a currently enrolled student and part of the MEC pathway, click on the button below to join the MEC CAP Canvas site, the one-stop hub to help you succeed and complete your pathway at LAVC.  

加入MEC CAP画布网站


Manufacturing, Electronics, and Construction Canvas Tile

Program Mapper

Want to explore the majors in this CAP and see what classes you would take?  We have a great tool available to help you plan your college and career path. 

Manufacturing, Electronics, and Construction Program Mapper

MEC CAP项目和部门

在MEC通路中, students can major in Electronics (including biomedical instrumentation to work in hospitals to repair and maintain equipment), or Manufacturing with opportunities to specialize in metal machining or numerical control (work with blueprints and CNC programs for making precision parts). Students interested in entering the workforce as a mechanical or civil engineering drafter with AutoCAD familiarity can major in 机械制图/设计. 在这个路径中, students can also prepare for the field of general construction management, with additional emphasis on sustainable methods and materials that are energy smart, renewable, and environmentally friendly by majoring in 可持续建筑管理.  


Click on the tabs below to access information about each Area of Study.



应用技术部 Chair: Rebecca Stein, @email  



应用技术部 Chair: Rebecca Stein, @email 

工程图学与设计 Area of Study 


应用技术部 Chair: Rebecca Stein, @email 



应用技术部 Chair: Rebecca Stein, @email 


Your CAP is a network of people who are available to help you with your academic, career, 个人目标. Some of your community include Professors, Counselors, Success Coaches, Librarians, and Tutors. 

The career transfer center supports you in reaching your career and educational goals. We can help you discover your dream career, identify majors that can help you get there, and develop the skills needed to land an internship or job. If you are unsure about your major or career, 考虑换专业, 或者需要别人帮忙找工作, the 职业转业中心 is there for you.  We can support you in making informed career decisions, 制作简历, developing your interviewing and networking skills, 找工作 & internships. 参观职业转换中心 web page to make an appointment with a career specialist, 报名参加一个研讨会, and learn about our upcoming career events. 
Examples of Questions to Ask a Member of the 职业转业中心: 

  • What steps can I take to learn about what career and major best align with my interests, values, and skills? 

  • What career opportunities are available within the major I am considering? 

  • What internships or other opportunities are available to help me develop my job readiness skills? 

  • What jobs are available in my area of interest? 

  • How can I prepare myself to increase my chances of securing a job? 

  • Which career community is best for me based on my interests? 

Counselors are available to answer your academic, career, and personal questions and to help you to develop an educational plan. Counselors can help you plan out your semester-by-semester course selections to maximize your chances of completing your degree, 证书和/或转学目标. They can also help you learn how to choose a career, major, and transfer institution and provide strategies for being academically and personally successful. Be sure to visit your counselor regularly to update your education plan based on your major and transfer goals. Make an appointment with a counselor here: 

Visit Counseling 
Examples of Questions to Ask Your Counselor: 

  • Can we review my Student Educational Plan (SEP)?

  • What courses should I take to meet my career/academic goal(s)? 

  • How do I receive credit for AP (Advanced Placement) test scores? 

  • How do I receive credit for coursework completed at another college? 

  • How many classes should I take each term?  

  • How many units are needed to meet my academic goal?  

  • How can I improve my current academic standing? 

LAVC Librarians are experts in academic research and citation. We can guide you through all phases of the research process: understanding research assignments, 选择主题, 制定研究策略, 寻找可靠的消息来源, 引用信息. We provide one-on-one research assistance at the Reference Desk every hour the library is open, 和24/7在线实时聊天支持. 无需预约. 
Get Your questions answered by a librarian anytime, anywhere! 
Chat Now 
Examples of Questions to a Librarian:  

  • How do I use library databases to find resources relevant to my assignment?  

  • Can you help me understand my research assignment?  

  • How can I determine if the information I found online is credible?   

  • How do I cite an image I found online?  

  • What’s the difference between MLA and APA citation format? 

Professors can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in your academic and professional careers. You can reach your instructor through their LAVC email, which you can find using the directory link on the LAVC website.  You can also find their preferred contact information through the course syllabus. The syllabus will also provide information about faculty office hours, which are times outside of class specifically designated for meeting with students. Office hours sometimes referred to as faculty drop-in hours are a great place to ask questions and build professional relationships with faculty members.  It is important to get to know your professors, 尤其是你的专业, because they can provide valuable career and/or transfer advice and may be able to provide references/letters of recommendation when you need them. 

Reach out to Professors via email, during office hours, or on Canvas. 


Examples of Questions to Ask Your Professors: 

  • Can you please clarify this assignment?  

  • How can I best prepare for your exams? 

  • What strategies do you recommend for reading the materials/texts in your class?  

  • Where can I go for tutoring and/or supplemental instruction? 

  • What are the common habits of your best students? 

  • Why did you decide to major in this field? 

Student Success Coaches are available to help you adjust to all aspects of college including how to do well in your classes, how to connect to clubs and other opportunities to make friends, 以及如何找到学校和生活的平衡.  We are your advocates and partners here to help you navigate college successfully and can connect you to a wide range of support and resources both on and off campus. We will reach out by email to introduce ourselves, so be sure to check your LACCD email regularly.   
Examples of Questions to Ask A Success Coach 

  • Where can I go for help with _______________? 

  • How do I navigate Canvas or my student email? 

  • 我收到了LAVC发来的邮件. What does it mean? 

  • How do I choose which professors might be a good match for me?  

  • I am struggling with balancing school, work, and other responsibilities, what advice do you have? 

  • I am experiencing food and/or housing insecurity.  我可以向谁寻求帮助?   

  • 我要去看心理咨询师.  What should I do to prepare before I go so I get the most out of my appointment? 

Tutoring is a powerful tool that all students should take advantage of, whether or not they are struggling in a class. Tutors are LAVC students who can help you in a wide range of subjects and can also model the techniques, strategies, and beliefs that successful learners use to acquire new knowledge, solve problems, 完成学术任务. In short, tutors help LAVC students develop the skills they’ll need to do their work independently. 

We offer tutoring and academic support in a wide variety of subjects as well as provide resources like study rooms, laptop/book use, 以及教学讲义.  

Visit the 学术资源中心  (ARC) website to connect with a tutor in person or online! 

Examples of Questions to ask a Tutor:  

  • What are some things you did to be successful in your courses? 

  • Is there anything I can do before I ask for tutoring to help my session be productive?  

  • As a student, do you have any general advice on being a student here at LAVC? 

  • What are some outside resources and/or tips I can use to help me prepare for an exam? 

CAP in Action

The Manufacturing, Electronics, and Construction CAP is a dynamic and engaging pathway with opportunities to build your network and community.  

Check out the Valley's Stars coverage of the Spring 2024 MEC Open House event for pics and details that highlight the programs within the MEC CAP. 

Check the calendar for upcoming events

 CAP events



Student clubs are a great way to network within the CAP, 与其他学生交流, and explore topics related to the CAP. 

Stay tuned!

In addition to the CAP specific clubs, the 联合学生会(ASU) also has numerous clubs for students. Visit the ASU website 了解更多信息. 

Manufacturing, Electronics, and Construction Programs

Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Architecture C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
计算机图形学/设计 C
机械制图/设计 AS C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Electronics AS
电子技术人员 C
电子科技 C
Electronics: Biomedical Instrumentation AS C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Engineering AS
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Engineering Technology: Industrial/Manufacturing AS C
Engineering Technology: Mechanical Engineering AS C
Manufacturing Technology: Metal Machining AS C
Manufacturing Technology: Numerical Control AS C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Robotics and PLCs C
Engineering, General Technology (施工管理)
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
可持续建筑管理 AS C